All Domain Names
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All Domain Names
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.com is King...But It Doesn't Have To Be
The extension of your domain name can further define your site such as or
These are called extensions or TLDs (Top Level Domains). In the early days there were only a few (.com, .org, .edu, etc) but now that list has grown to over 1200!
Some even require credentials before you can purchase them such as the .pro extension.
While the .com extension is by far the most widely used (52% as of June 2022) the other extensions won’t hurt your SEO.
.com is what everyone thinks of and is easy to remember but an alternate extension might be the thing that stands out in everyone’s mind.
Happy Camper sells a large selection of domain extensions. If you have an extension that you’d like to use let us know and we’ll see if we can add it to our list!
Every Domain Name Gets It All
Simple Domain Management
Easy access to all your domain functions with a simple control panel.
Privacy Protection and Domain Locking
Your contact information is kept private and locked to prevent unwanted transfers. $5.95/year
2-Step Verification and DNSSEC
Enable 2-step verification for even tighter security of your account and setup DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) with the click of a button which makes it easier to protect your domains from DNS threats like cache poison attacks and DNS spoofing.
Email Forwarding
Send incoming emails to another email account or use a professional email service like Google Workspace to host your email.
You won't have to worry about losing your domain names due to an expired account, we'll auto-renew them for you.
Domain and subdomain Forwarding
Easily point your domain name or subdomain somewhere else.