Get the Perfect Domain Name

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Experience peace of mind and reliability with every registration

Get The Perfect Domain Name - Happy Camper Web Hosting

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Happy Camper Web Hosting - Domain Name Registration
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.com is King...But It Doesn't Have To Be

The extension of your domain name can further define your site such as or

These are called extensions or TLDs (Top Level Domains). In the early days there were only a few (.com, .org, .edu, etc) but now that list has grown to over 1200!

Some even require credentials before you can purchase them such as the .pro extension.

While the .com extension is by far the most widely used (52% as of June 2022) the other extensions won’t hurt your SEO.

.com is what everyone thinks of and is easy to remember but an alternate extension might be the thing that stands out in everyone’s mind.

Happy Camper sells a large selection of domain extensions.  If you have an extension that you’d like to use let us know and we’ll see if we can add it to our list!

Every Domain Name Gets It All

Simple Domain Management

Easy access to all your domain functions with a simple control panel.

Privacy Protection and Domain Locking

Your contact information is kept private and locked to prevent unwanted transfers. $5.95/year

2-Step Verification and DNSSEC

Enable 2-step verification for even tighter security of your account and setup DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) with the click of a button which makes it easier to protect your domains from DNS threats like cache poison attacks and DNS spoofing.

Email Forwarding

Send incoming emails to another email account or use a professional email service like Google Workspace to host your email.


You won't have to worry about losing your domain names due to an expired account, we'll auto-renew them for you.

Domain and subdomain Forwarding

Easily point your domain name or subdomain somewhere else.

Best Domain Name Prices

(Does not include premium domains)

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Happy Camper sells a large selection of domain name extensions (TLDs).

If you don’t see the extension you’re looking for let us know and we’ll see if we can add it!

The Leading
Web Hosting Company

No Add-Ons Necessary,
Every Package is Complete.

Free Site Transfers

No hidden fees

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee


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By entering your email, you agree to receive Happy Camper emails, including marketing emails, and agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


We discovered that other web hosting companies provided SOME of the features you need for reliable, fast and safe web hosting but none of them had ALL of those features in one package.

You either have to pay more for those features or they don’t exist at all.

They leave out features like Smart Update which uses Artificial Intelligence to determine if that latest plugin update will break your site!

You have to update plugins/themes/WordPress regularly or you run the risk of getting hacked.

Or they leave out offsite backups. We do nightly backups of everything but you should have your own set of backups saved in a simple easy to access offsite location like DropBox, Google Drive or Microsoft One.

We give you that option.

Or they only have minimal security and you have to get a security plugin.  These days you can’t skimp on security that’s why we have Robust Server Level Security.

Server level security is where you don’t need a plugin for security and where you’re not left scouring the internet trying to decide which is the best security plugin? And then how to set it up.

Keeping your site safe, secure and fast shouldn’t be hard.

Love it or hate it?



Superior Security

Imunify360 is a comprehensive security suite including Antivirus, Firewall, WAF, PHP Security Layer, Patch Management, Domain Reputation with easy UI and advanced automation.

  • Real-time Malware Processing
  • Scheduled/On-Demand Malware Scanning
  • Malware Database Scanner
  • Automated Malware Clean-up
  • Brute-Force Prevention
  • Web-Attack Protection
  • Port-Scanning Protection
  • L7 DoS Protection
  • Outdated/Vulnerable Software Patching
  • Backup Solution Integration
  • Domain Reputation Management
  • SMTP Traffic Management

Get Going Now!

It’s already setup for you!

  • In addition to WordPress being automatically installed we’ve chosen a few of the #1 plugins to get you started.

  • Elementor – The #1 WordPress website builder. Live drag & Drop Editor, Widgets, Pixel-Perfect Design, templates and website kits.

  • Yoast SEO – The #1 WordPress SEO plugin. Yoast SEO makes sure your site meets the highest technical SEO standards. It also gives you the tools to optimize your content for SEO and overall readability. Installed on every website.

  • Imunify360 – A comprehensive security suite. It utilizes highly tailored and integrated components for proactive real-time website protection and security.

Smart Updates

Smart Updates helps you keep your production websites up to date without the risk of breaking your website. Smart Updates analyzes the potential consequences of installing updates and advises you whether doing so is safe.


To ensure a WordPress installation is always updated safely without breaking your website, we’ve included Smart Updates with every website, which does the following:

  • Clones the installation, and then analyzes the clone and takes screenshots of the website’s pages (including dynamic content and carousels).
  • Updates the clone, analyzes it again, and then takes screenshots of the website’s pages again.
  • Detects issues (PHP issues, HTTP response code errors, changed page titles, and others): not only those the update can cause but also those that existed before the update.
  • With manual updates, Smart Updates shows you “before” and “after” screenshots and then you decide whether it is safe to update or not.
  • With autoupdates, Smart Updates automatically updates the production website unless there is at least one issue caused by the update. Otherwise the update is not performed and you receive an email with the results of analysis and the “before” and “after” screenshots.

WordPress Toolkit

Improve your productivity with WordPress Toolkit

  • Manage all your WordPress websites from one place, including WordPress installation and removal, cloning that easily creates staging and production environments.
  • Install, activate, update, and remove plugins and themes from one place – to improve your productivity
  • Test your WordPress website updates using our fully automated AI-powered visual regression testing engine, Smart Updates.

Website Transfers

Migrate Your Existing Site For Free

  • Importing websites and mail accounts has never been so easy and hassle-free.

  • Securely migrate your existing website from WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, PrestaShop or Magento.

  • The automated process can be used as many times as you like at no cost to you.

  • The import tool automatically detects the location of your website’s content and copies it the fastest way possible.

Have Your Site Professionally Transferred

  • Or let us do the job for you.  We’ll transfer everything within 1-3 days, $45 per site.